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Pre-Bid Projects

Pre-Bid Projects

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Virtual hub provides training and jobseeking resources for construction

Virtual hub provides training and jobseeking resources for construction

MISSISSAUGA, ONT. — A new virtual training hub will help construction supervisors learn the skills they need to mentor and train their teams as well as create an online job bank that will help up to 200 unemployed workers find construction jobs.

The Ontario government is investing over $3 million in the initiative as part of the government’s $115-million Skills Development Fund to address challenges to hiring, training and retraining workers due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The initiative will support Merit Ontario, which supports contractors who employ both unionized and non-unionized workers, in developing and running a virtual training and resource hub that helps 225 construction companies of varying sizes bring their training programs online, indicates a release. The hub will also offer courses and resources to train supervisors so they can provide improved skills and safety training for their workers.

The online job bank will allow employers who are looking for new talent in the construction sector to post job ads and will help jobseekers assess their skills and recommend additional training where needed.

“This funding will ensure that underrepresented communities can fully participate in training and be part of the jobs of the future,” said Mike Gallardo, president and CEO of Merit Ontario, in a statement.  “Jobs in the construction sector are in high demand and we must do everything we can as employers and governments to ensure we can meet that demand. This funding will go a long way in meeting that goal.”


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