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The Construction Record Podcast – Episode 201: Ondework’s Tony McGrath

Daily Commercial News Image Daily Commercial News

This week on the Construction Record Podcast, digital media editor Warren Frey speaks with Tony McGrath, the president and CEO of OndeWork, an on-demand service for workers and employers in the construction industry.

The firm is a “social enterprise”, McGrath said, with an aim to provide a pathway for those who haven’t traditionally had access to the construction industry to get a first step to employment with an on-demand “unskilled’ position.

With OndeWork, McGrath said, employers can get a “trial run” with temporary workers, and added the firm is assisting recently arrived workers from Ukraine who have trade skills but lack Canadian qualifications to get them into the industry.

You can listen to The Construction Record and TCR Express on the Daily Commercial News and Journal of Commerce websites as well as on ,Ի podcast, and you can listen to the previous podcast about GIS integration with real-time game engines here. Thanks for listening and we’ll see you next episode.


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